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Elevate Your Morning with These Cold Brew Coffee Beans

Cold brew coffee has exploded in popularity over the past few years. Unlike iced coffee, which is just hot brewed coffee poured over ice, cold brew is made by steeping coffee grounds in room temperature or cold water for an extended period of time. This long, cold brewing process results in a smooth, naturally sweet coffee concentrate that can be enjoyed over ice or diluted with water or milk.

The History and Cultural Significance of Cold Brew

The History and Cultural Significance of Cold Brew
The History and Cultural Significance of Cold Brew

While cold brew has exploded in popularity in recent years, its origins can be traced back centuries. In 1600s Japan, a cold brew method known as Kyoto-style or Dutch coffee was developed. The Dutch traders living in Kyoto would soak coffee grounds in cold water for long periods, creating a naturally sweet concentrated brew.

In New Orleans in the mid-1800s, coffee brewed with cold water and chicory root became popular. Unlike hot-brewed coffee, this cold preparation allowed the chicory flavor to shine through. Cold-brewed chicory coffee is still a beloved local tradition today.

The rise of cold brew as we know it began in the 1960s and ’70s California food scene, which embraced natural, unprocessed foods. Health food stores stocked toddy makers for brewing concentrated cold brew at home. As the specialty coffee movement grew in the 1990s and 2000s, cold brew was also elevated to an artisanal coffee drink. Coffee shops began experimenting with new cold brew recipes and serving methods, like nitrogen-infused cold brew on tap.

Today, cold brew is considered a fixture of third wave coffee culture. Specialty roasters collaborate with bars on tapping kegs of their cold brew. Coffee enthusiasts meticulously experiment with grinding techniques and water ratios to create the ideal cold brew recipe. For many, the do-it-yourself nature of cold brew reflects the artistry and craft of specialty coffee.

Selecting the Best Coffee Beans for Cold Brew

One of the keys to amazing cold brew is choosing the right coffee beans. Since the cold water used in brewing does not extract acids, oils, and other flavor compounds as aggressively as hot water, you want beans that will hold up and shine through the cold extraction. Here are some tips for selecting beans that make stellar cold brew:

Go for medium or light roasts. Light roasts retain more of the bean’s inherent flavors, which leads to a tasty cold brew. Charcoal-y dark roasts can taste flat or muddy in cold brew. A nice medium roast is a good middle ground.

Seek out high-quality Arabica beans. Arabica beans brew up into a more flavorful and aromatic cold brew than the bitter, high-caffeine Robusta variety. Try single-origin beans from reputable roasters for distinct flavor notes.

Consider fruity and chocolatey profiles. Beans with berry, citrus, or chocolate notes are delicious when cold brewed. The cold water teases these flavors out beautifully. Avoid beans with overly herbal or spicy profiles, as these notes tend to get muted in cold brew.

Prioritize fair trade and sustainable beans. Since you’ll be using more grounds to cold brew a concentrate, make sure your coffee comes from roasters that prioritize ethical and sustainable sourcing. This ensures coffee farming communities earn fair prices.

Following these tips will set you up with an amazing, flavorful cold brew every time.

The Science of Cold Brew: Why It Tastes So Good

So what makes cold brew coffee taste so different – and often better – than traditional hot coffee? The answer lies in the cold water brewing process.

Hot water is an aggressive solvent that extracts acids, oils, and other compounds rapidly from the coffee grounds. This results in hot coffee’s characteristic bitterness and acidity.

Cold water, on the other hand, extracts compounds at a slower, more gradual pace over the long steep time. This means some bitter and acidic compounds are left behind, while sweeter notes make it through. Less acidity leads to a smoother, mellower brew.

Additionally, the lack of heat during steeping curbs the Maillard reaction, which occurs when heat transforms coffee’s sugars. So more natural sugars make it through cold extraction, adding a hint of sweetness.

The cold process also allows subtle flavors to shine through that might get lost using hot water. You can pick up more delicate fruit, floral, and chocolate notes in cold brew.

Nutritionally, cold brew contains less acids and antioxidants compared to hot brewed coffee. But it provides a similar caffeine boost, so you still get that energizing lift.

Overall, the differences in cold brew lead to a coffee that’s sweeter, smoother, and gentler on the stomach – especially when enjoyed over ice.

Cold Brew Brewing Techniques Explained

One of the fun parts of cold brew is experimenting with different brew methods. Here are guides to the two most popular techniques for brewing your own cold brew concentrate at home.

Immersion Method

This simple technique involves steeping coffee grounds in water for an extended period of time.

What you’ll need:

  • Coffee grinds
  • Mason jar or other nonreactive container
  • Filter
  • Coffee filters or cheesecloth

Step 1. Measure out your coffee grounds using a ratio of about 1:4 to 1:8 coffee to water. So for a 32 oz mason jar, use 4-8 ounces of coarse coffee grounds. Grind beans on a coarse setting.

Step 2. Add the grounds and cool water to the mason jar and stir to combine. Put the lid on the jar.

Step 3. Refrigerate the jar for 12-24 hours. Give it a gentle stir at the halfway point.

Step 4. After it steeps, assemble your filter setup over a pitcher. Pour the cold brew through the filter to remove all grounds.

Step 5. You can now enjoy the smooth cold brew concentrate straight, diluted with water or milk, or poured over ice!

Cold Drip Method

This method continually drips water through the grounds over hours, resulting in a super flavorful concentrate.

What you’ll need:

  • Yama cold brew tower or DIY drip setup
  • Coffee grounds
  • Filters
  • Ice

Step 1. Set up your cold drip system as directed. Place filter and add ground coffee.

Step 2. Let chilled water slowly drip through the filter tower onto the grounds. This can take anywhere from 4 to 12 hours.

Step 3. The liquid drips out the bottom into a carafe, gradually forming a smooth concentrate, drip by delicious drip.

Step 4. Enjoy your handcrafted cold brew on its own or mixed into creative coffee cocktails!

While the immersion method is easiest, cold drip makes for an entertaining weekend project for coffee fans. Either way, you’ll end up with amazing cold brew.

Cold Brew Coffee Ratios and Recipes

One of the keys to successfully brewing smooth, luscious cold brew is using the right ratio of grounds to water. This ensures you extract adequate flavor while limiting excess bitterness.

The typical ratio for immersion cold brew ranges from 1:4 to 1:8 coffee to water. So you would use 1 part ground coffee to anywhere from 4 to 8 parts water, by weight. Start on the stronger side, 1:4 or 1:5, then tweak to taste.

For cold drip, use a slightly higher concentration since it has a lower extraction yield: around 1:3 or 1:4 coffee to water.

Once you have your perfectly balanced concentrate, there are so many delicious ways to enjoy it:

  • Cold brew on the rocks. Simply fill a glass with ice and add cold brew concentrate. Adjust the strength by adding more or less water.
  • Vanilla sweet cream cold brew. Top cold brew with sweetened vanilla-infused cream. Iced coffee heaven!
  • Cold brew cocoa float. Carefully pour cold brew over a scoop of ice cream for an irresistible float.
  • Cold brew old fashioned. Mix cold brew concentrate with bourbon, bitters, and orange twist for a boozy twist.

Don’t be afraid to get creative and come up with your own signature cold brew recipes!

The Health Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee

With its lower acidity and unique brewing process, cold brew coffee provides some surprising health perks compared to hot coffee – beyond just being refreshing on a hot day!

Since cold brew contains less acids, it is gentler on the digestive system. The cold extraction also preserves more antioxidants. These antioxidants may help reduce inflammation and provide other health benefits.

Studies show cold brew and other low-acid coffees are less likely to bother those with reflux or other digestive issues. The smooth, mellow flavor also means you can use less added cream and sweeteners.

Cold brew has a slightly lower caffeine content than hot coffee. The cold water extracts less caffeine from the beans during brewing. This may make cold brew a smarter caffeine option for those who get anxious or struggle sleeping after having coffee later in the day.

However, cold brew is still high in caffeine compared to other beverages, so it can provide that energizing lift any time of day. Just adjust your intake based on your own tolerance.

While no coffee is a miracle cure, choosing cold brew over hot coffee can provide some advantages for overall wellbeing. In moderation, it can be part of a healthy lifestyle.

The Art of Grinding: Choosing the Right Coffee Grinder

Picking the right coffee grinder is key for achieving flavorful, aromatic cold brew. You want your grinds to be coarse and consistent. Inconsistent grind sizes lead to uneven extraction.

Here are some top options to consider for grinding cold brew coffee:

  • Burr grinders evenly crush beans between grinding wheels. Models like Baratza Encore or Virtuoso provide consistent coarse grinds perfect for cold brew.
  • Manual ceramic burr grinders let you control grind size. High-end hand grinders like JavaPresse Manual and Zassenhaus Santiago provide a workout along with great grounds.
  • Electric blade grinders are affordably priced. Models like KRUPS, KitchenAid, and BLACK+DECKER can produce a coarse grind good for cold brew when you pulse in short bursts.

No matter which grinder you choose, make sure to keep it clean. Freshly ground coffee paired with crisp, filtered water is key to the best cold brew you’ve ever tasted.

Storing Your Cold Brew: Tips for Freshness and Shelf Life

One concern some people have about cold brew is how long it keeps before going bad. But when stored properly, homemade or store-bought cold brew can maintain quality and freshness for an impressive amount of time!

Here are some tips for optimizing cold brew storage and shelf life:

  • Store cold brew concentrate in airtight containers in the refrigerator. Glass bottles or mason jars work great.
  • Diluted cold brew lasts 1-2 weeks refrigerated. Concentrate keeps for up to 2 months refrigerated.
  • If concentrating your own cold brew, make sure no grounds or residue is left in the brew before storing. This can cause off flavors.
  • For long term storage, freeze cold brew concentrate in ice cube trays, then transfer to airtight freezer bags. Thaw as needed.
  • Avoid extended exposure to heat and light, which causes cold brew to degrade faster. Keep bottles out of the refrigerator only while serving.
  • Look for any change in appearance, such as cloudiness or layer separation, which signals contamination. Discard if mold forms.

Following proper storage protocols, you can keep a stash of cold brew on hand whenever you get a craving for its smooth, delicious comfort!

Serving and Enjoying Cold Brew Coffee

Serving and Enjoying Cold Brew Coffee
Serving and Enjoying Cold Brew Coffee

Cold brew’s mild, nuanced flavor makes it incredibly versatile. It provides a smooth base for all kinds of creative drinks and desserts. Here are some delicious ways to serve up your cold brew:

  • Affogato float – Scoop gelato or ice cream into a cold brew float for an irresistible treat.
  • Cold brew cocktail – Shake cold brew with vodka and coffee liqueur for a boozy pick-me-up.
  • Maple cold brew latte – Combine cold brew with maple syrup and oat milk over ice.
  • Tropical iced coffee – Mix cold brew with pineapple juice and coconut milk.
  • Cold brew granita – Pour cold brew over shaved ice for a fun Italian-style slushy.
  • Cold brew martini – Mix cold brew, coffee liqueur and vodka, and shake.

Don’t limit yourself to drinking your cold brew either. Use it to make ice cream, pour over cake, or mix into a fruit smoothie. However you decide to serve it up, enjoy the experience!

The Economic and Environmental Impact of Cold Brew Coffee

As cold brew coffee has surged in popularity, it has made an economic impact within the specialty coffee industry while also raising some environmental sustainability concerns.

On the economic side, cold brew has become hugely profitable for coffee shops. Because it is sold for a higher price than normal iced coffee, cold brew drives up profit margins. The New York Times reported cold brew sales at Starbucks stores grew 450% from 2015 to 2016. Small coffee shops have benefited from being able to tap kegs of local cold brew from roasters.

For roasters, cold brew allows them to sell more bags of premium beans, since cold brew recipes often call for using more grounds. They can also sell ready-to-drink packaged cold brew at grocery stores as a new revenue stream.

However, the large amount of grounds needed to make concentrated cold brew raises sustainability issues. More resources go into producing those beans, including water, fertilizers, and energy for farming and shipping. The increased waste also has carbon footprint implications.

Eco-conscious roasters are looking for ways to limit cold brew’s environmental impact through initiatives like carbon-neutral shipping, compostable packaging, and encouraging consumer education about waste.

Innovations and Trends in Cold Brew Coffee

Part of the appeal of cold brew is experimenting with different brewing innovations to concoct the smoothest, richest coffee imaginable. Here are some of the latest trends reshaping the cold brew scene:

Nitro cold brew – Bubbly, cascading nitro cold brew made by infusing coffee with nitrogen gas is hugely popular. The nitrogen gives it a Guinness-like frothy texture.

Flavored cold brews – Flavorings like salted caramel, vanilla, and lavender take cold brew to the next level. Shops offer flavor flights so people can get adventurous.

Japanese slow drip – This technique uses special towers with glass bulbs to make individual cups of cold drip coffee slowly – it’s almost a cold brew ceremony!

Canned cold brew – Ready-to-drink canned and bottled cold brew has exploded. This allows wider access to grab-and-go cold brew beyond coffee shops.

Functional cold brews – Some companies are adding supplements like protein powders, collagen, or probiotics to cold brew drinks.

Cold brew entrepreneurs continue thinking of new brewing methods, unique flavor combinations, and ways to enhance cold brew’s functionality. This creativity keeps people passionate about the infinite possibilities with coffee.

Making Cold Brew at Home: A Guide for Beginners 

For many coffee lovers, one cup of cold brew from the local coffee shop is all it takes to spark an obsession with recreating that smooth, delicious magic at home. Luckily, it’s easier than you might think!

Here is an easy, step-by-step beginner’s guide to brewing your own cold brew:

Choose your beans – Pick a medium roast coffee you love the flavor of. Light roasts also work well. Stay away from dark oily beans.

Grind coarsely – Use a burr grinder or blender to grind beans to a coarse, beach-like texture.

Calculate your ratio – Use a beginner ratio of 1:4 or 1:5 coffee grounds to water. Weigh out 200g grounds for every 1L of water.

Add water and stir – Combine the grounds and cool water in a mason jar. Give it a good stir before sealing the lid.

Steep in the fridge – Let the mixture steep for at least 12 hours, or up to 24 for maximum flavor extraction.

Filter the concentrate – Line a strainer with filter or cheesecloth and pour mixture through to filter.

Enjoy over ice – Add water or milk to dilute if desired. Pour over ice for an irresistible iced coffee treat!

Don’t worry if your first batch isn’t perfect. Tweak the ratios and timing as you get a feel for your preferred strength and flavor. The joy is in the journey of honing your cold brew skills.

Expert Insights: What Baristas Want You to Know About Cold Brew

To get the inside scoop on crafting amazing cold brew, we spoke with professional baristas and coffee experts. Here are their top insider tips for cold brew success:

“Focus on water quality. Good beans and proper grind are important, but using high-quality filtered water is key for making your cold brew shine.” – Sarah K., coffee shop manager

“Stir the brew at least once during steeping to ensure even extraction. This helps avoid over-extracting some grounds.”- Mark T., head barista

“Always grind right before brewing. Freshly ground coffee has a huge impact on flavor.” – Sam W., coffee roaster

“Clean your equipment! Rinse carafes, chambers, and filters to prevent residue buildup over time affecting taste.” – Belinda R., coffee educator

“Taste-test the concentrate on its own at full strength before diluting. This helps identify areas for adjusting brew time or ratios.” – Charlie P., barista trainer

“Don’t throw out overdiluted cold brew! Use it in a marinade, blend into a smoothie, or mix up coffee cake.” – Lisa V., coffee blogger

By incorporating pro tips from the experts, you’ll be on your way to crafting delicious cold brew worthy of the best cafes right from your home kitchen.

FAQs: Everything You Need to Know About Cold Brew

Cold brew’s overnight brewing process and broad popularity has sparked many questions for curious coffee lovers and beginner brewers alike. Here we’ll cover some of the most frequently asked questions about this trendy coffee drink:

What’s the difference between cold brew and iced coffee?

Iced coffee is regular hot-brewed coffee that has been cooled then poured over ice. Cold brew involves steeping grounds in room temperature or cold water for 12+ hours.

Is cold brew healthier than regular coffee?

Potential benefits of cold brew include less acidity, more antioxidants, and lower caffeine. But coffee itself contains health pros and cons regardless of hot or cold brewing.

How long can cold brew last?

Freshly brewed cold brew keeps 1-2 weeks in the fridge. Concentrate lasts 2 months refrigerated. Diluted cold brew lasts up to 5 days at room temperature.

What types of coffee make the best cold brew?

Medium roasts and fruity, citrusy light roasts excel in cold brew. Stay away from dark oily beans. High-quality Arabica beans brew better than Robusta.

Why is cold brew more expensive than regular iced coffee?

Cold brew requires a lengthier brewing process, more coffee grounds, and specialty equipment, all of which drive up costs for coffee shops. But it can be made affordably at home.

What about cold brew is addictive?

The naturally sweeter flavor, reduced acidity, and smooth drinkability make cold brew hard to put down! The creative Recipes and variety of flavors and styles also keeps fans hooked.

Should you use cold or room temperature water to brew?

Room temperature or lukewarm water between 60-70°F is ideal. Very cold water can shock the grounds resulting in uneven extraction.

Conclusion: Embracing the Cold Brew Lifestyle

From its fascinating centuries-long history to its recent explosion in popularity, cold brew coffee has proven to be more than just a fleeting trend. Devotees around the world have truly embraced the entire cold brew lifestyle.

They invest in the perfect grinders and brewing equipment to ritualize their morning cold brew routine. They nerd out on coffee chemistry and eagerly swap their latest low-acid bean findings. They concoct amazing new cold brew cocktail recipes and Instagram their latest nitrogen-infused pourover. They make pilgrimages to remote Japanese shops preserving ancient cold drip techniques.

Cold brew encourages play, creativity, and connection. It provides a smooth, mellow boost to start your day that is delightful hot or cold, rain or shine. As many fans believe the cold brew experience offers something even beyond a tasty beverage. It provides a passion and ritual that enriches life’s everyday moments.

So don’t just try cold brew – immerse yourself in the entire cold brew experience. Savor every SIP along the journey. Let cold brew awaken your creativity and connection through coffee. The joy is truly in the brewing.

0 thoughts on “Elevate Your Morning with These Cold Brew Coffee Beans

    1. Starbucks coffee is usually a bit too dark for me to drink black but for cold brew I find that their house brew is pretty awesome. I do french press grind in a 60oz Mason jar for 24 hours on the counter, love it.

    1. I will stand by JBC as the best local coffee roaster by a mile. I would give the Bella Carmona Guatemalan as a shot for cold brew. The roast may be just a bit lighter than you’re accustomed to, but the overall flavors from it are reminiscent of nuts, chocolate, and pie crust. I pretty much always keep a bag of that on hand because my wife prefers the smooth/nutty sorts of coffees (I prefer fruity African coffees, but to each their own, this is all good stuff).

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